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Virginia Readers' Choice

Voting for the 2023-2024 titles has now closed! Check out the 2024-2025 titles here!

Are you interested in choosing books for Virginia Readers' Choice?  Scroll down to find out how you can be a member and take part in Virginia Readers' Choice!

Each year your students can vote for their favorite Virginia Readers' Choice books!

See voting rules here!

Congratulations to the 2023-2024 Virginia Readers' Choice Top Picks:

Virginia Readers' Choice Committee

Thank you for your interest in serving on this committee. If you are interested in serving on a committee to screen and select the books to be on the lists for consideration each year, please fill out the form here!

Virginia Readers' Choice Committee Interest

Book Nomination

If you have a book to nominate for consideration for the primary, elementary, middle, or high school 2026-2027 lists, please use this form. Copyrights should be no older than 2023, more criteria for nominating a book is included in the form.

This form is currently closed. Check back in fall 2024.

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